It is not a baobab tree. It is an oak tree. Promise. Anyway, after many much sticky hands due to paper mache it was looking more and more lovely. Jason then had the fabulous idea of getting real sticks from the back yard to make the smaller limbs; GREAT idea. I had run plumb dry on thoughts about how to go about that and it turned out so amazing. It was a very tedious process, but the results were awesome. See for yourself:
So you're probably wondering why on earth i made a tree. I don't make trees usually, as a friend said "isn't it God's job to make trees?" And yes, in fact, it is HIS job. I find it funny however that i made my tree out of paper instead of making paper out of trees. Does that make it a paradox? Anyway, as I was saying, I made this tree for my high school girls bible study class, as a visual aid of sorts. We are studying the Psalms and going through David Crowder's book Praise Habit, which is a great book. Psalm 1:3 says "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." And so i had this grand idea, or perhaps HE gave it to me, to make a 3D tree to provide as a reminder. The girls worked on it last night for hours and it turned out AMAZINGLY. Behold -- the tree!!
So, to say the least i am currently very in love with trees at the moment. I want a bumper sticker that says "i love God and i love you...oh and trees too!" But maybe not really, just kind of...
Making this tree with my friends reminded me a lot of how HE shapes and forms us along this journey. We don't start out pretty and we all have different parts that make us who we are, but in the end we turn into a masterpiece if we allow HIM to work and not get in the way. Struggling against the hand of The Craftsman tends to cause more damage than good and slow the progress of creating a work of art. Also, trusting HIM through the storms is easier because you know you're rooted in HIM, because you know you will stay firm and immovable. I think HE is so awesome and i like HIM for making trees and many much more things.
So, I went to go see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and may i say it was SO good. I was thoroughly impressed with the music, the acting and the way they pulled stories together. It was very entertaining and there was never really a dull moment. I think i may have to buy this one when it comes out. Also, I want hair like the main chicks -- except pink.

I love reading your ponderings! and I think I told you this, but its not official unless its posted in a comment ;) that I really like the tree. It turned out ah-mazing!