I have been studying a lot in the Psalms the past few months, mainly because of the bible study I am leading and firstly because that's where I had been studying even before that came about. In the Psalms David talks a lot on the goodness of God and how much HE has done for him even though David had as many downs as he did ups. David writes about his struggles and then rejoices. David writes about his failures and then praises HIM. David pours out his heart, broken or full, and worships HIM. It's so repetitive yet somehow we fail to see it. We see the brokenness, the pain, the wanting, the waiting and the agony that David experiences. Do we see, however, David's love for God, his joy, or his embrace of the Father's discipline? Do we see God's goodness to David even when he messed up or when he was on the mountain top? God is fully present and constantly teaching us if we'll just learn to focus on what's truly important.
I've realized that over the past few months I have been having a 'woe is me' attitude about life. I feel sad, things aren't going the way I planned, I don't know where to turn next, I feel like such a failure, etc. When the attitude I should have had all along be that of 'worthy is HE.' HE has taken me along this road for a reason, HE has led me through the highs and lows on purpose, HE thinks more of me than I do of myself most days, HIS plan is better and that's the truth. I've started to see that HE likes leading us through rough spots when HE wants us to learn something, otherwise if it were on a smooth path we wouldn't get the point...literally. We have to be wanting HIM and in search of HIM, not an answer to why we're in a rough spot, but wanting to know 'what can I do to glorify YOU while I'm here.'
The speaker at church on Sunday had similar things to say about hard times and God's goodness. He spoke on finding God in the journey and not getting consumed with where you were on that journey. I've learned that's it's good and necessary to be expectant, but it's better to be wanting HIM all the more. If HE is in control and 'has given you everything you need for life and godliness' than we must learn to look no further than HIS loving eyes. HE will lead us down straight paths if we will just learn to hand over the pilot's seat. Easier said than done, I know. It takes discipline and a humble heart, but that's better, perhaps harder, than trying to do it on your own. It never works. Believe me, I've tried.
I suppose then that it is a God-consumed perspective that we must look at life through, otherwise we will most likely trip, fall, and have to go through the learning process again. So, pay attention the first time...
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