Feeling the need to update my blog, but i may or may not have anything interesting to say. I'm good at rambling, i know that. So, let's go.
It's been a good week. School on Monday, traffic was insane. Passed a wreck on the way to school. My Western Civ. teacher has a gorgeous voice but he is a bit of a rambler, but maybe that will change as he gets the hang of things. He is new. Also having a class with Delo = supreme delight. Makes me not think about my hunger pains at lunchtime so much because i have someone to chat with. Also because we compete on pop quizzes and bet food. She is bringing me goldfish next class period. ;)
Bible study was on Thursday. Woke up that morning extremely unprepared. HE came and we chatted and i felt better after that. I love it when HE shows up at bible study too. I never know what i'm saying when i'm saying it nor afterwards. It's like i blackout, but not really, which i take to mean that HE is the one doing the talking. This makes me feel SO much better. We also made snowflakes after class. Black ones. In August. Awesome. We also decorated them with glitter. They were to signify how even in our most uncertain and difficult or dark situations we are still supposed to shine and not be so consumed with our own problems. Break out of the pity-party that you've thrown for yourself so as to allow HIM to take over and shine. Plus! snowflakes are all different, just like our circumstances, lives, backgrounds, and situations. Black, glittery snowflakes FTW.
So apparently my friends and i attract cops. Or maybe not. Either way, they find us. Last night we had a surprise party for my little bro at the winery near the campus. It was dark and so we decided to play sardines. Kids + dark + hiding = way fun. However, Fancy winery building + silent alarms = cops getting called. We were all hiding, waiting for the last two people to find us when we see headlights and jokingly say it's the cops. Turns out it was fact. After the cops called all 15+ of us out of our hiding spot and explained to us the deal-eo and left the kids seemed thoroughly impressed with the party. Cops being called = best birthday party ever. It was quite hilarious.
I have City Bagel coffee and it is sooo yummy. Be jealous. My day is looking rather full. Prayer walk, breakfast, work, dinner, movie, yay. Busy is good. Thursday is my day of rest. I love Thursday dearly -- it treats me well.