My so-called summer "to-do" list:
1) girl trip to Virginia to see cousins
2) D.C. visit as well
3) dye a streak of my hair hot pink
4) make a few trips down to the beach
5) my BIRTHDAY! planning and celebrating and the likes
6) be a counselor at camp of champions
7) play frisbee or softball or volleyball at least twice a week
8) picnics
9) experiment some more with tie dying
10) apply to YWAM
11) write and send out newsletter
12) hopefully visit family in Nashville again
13) be a counselor at Ikthoos Camp
14) finish at least the fourth season of Buffy
15) talk G.C. into getting me a great dane for my birthday
16) make lots of artsy crafty doodads
17) go swimming and enjoy it. . .water--yuck
18) wrap up small groups :(
19) cook in more and eat out less
20) go to the zoo
21) ride the Bruce more
22) spend more time with the fam
23) soak up every moment of the last summer i will have with all of my friends in the same town
This could possibly be the most bitter-sweet of summers i will ever experience but God is good and all He does is out of love. So, i'm hoping and looking forward to a terrific summer and i hope that you are as well because summer is AWESOME. Exactly.

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