Waitressed until my feet hurt and then went home.
Small chats with Dad.
Waiting till my gas gauge got to "1 mile" before i was on E.
Picnic at the winery with my book.
Mr. Dinosaur's birthday.
Short and nice chats.
Can i have a dog, please?
Wishing i had ridden my bike today.
Tomorrow will have to make up for it though.
10 page paper is looking more and more daunting.
Did i pick the right book?!!? :-/
Fable. Watching.
Dragon Age, i will see you soon.....promise.
I miss my short hair.
Almost a year since last major cut.
So, as soon as school lets out at the end of this month (HURRAH!!) i am going to be spending my time filling out 9,000 applications for nursing school. Deadlines for Spring admission is in September, so i'm hoping to get them out by July. I can overcome procrastination if i try. It's true. Also, being sneaky, i'm planning to fill out a DTS (Discipleship Training School) admission packet. Both as a backup and because i really want to.
Explosions In The Sky concert over the weekend was completely wonderful. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Going to see a band in concert generally always bumps up my approval and admiration for them. They were spectacular live and we had grand seats in the balcony. Pro. Drive = PETA, snails pace, gummy worms, rear ending other cars, God's grace, reading, silly talks, "52 degrees!", prom, whispers, G.C. makes me laugh.
Also. . . .I REALLY want to go to the zoo, btw. So desperately. Let's go.....please.
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