Well it snowed. Again. At least five whole inches and it was marvelous. Some friends and i went sledding at one of the only hills in town and had a blast. When can i move to the mountains?? The last time i remember sledding i was seven and in Montana.

The kids all sled down the hill on our butts in a train-like formation. I remember running into a tree more than once. That was also the only time i have ever been skiing. I ran into a building that time. I must have skills. Perhaps moving to a snowy climate would be a brutal decision? I loved Montana though, it was ridiculously beautiful and open. Miss it. Also, i would blend in! How cool would that be? I could be like the snow queen from Narnia...minus the evil schemes and bad temper of course.
I sent off my letter and admission packet to USM a few weeks ago. This one lady had to call me a few times to get things sorted out and send her more stuffs, but she was so pleasant. I appreciated her and her niceness because of my nervousness. *Anxiety overload!!* I have no clue when i will hear back from them and moreover i have no idea what i'll do when i get accepted. MOVE AWAY!? ahh. Hullo, i am a major introvert. Also, this raises a million questions as to where i'd live, with whom, how i'd support myself, etc. Nursing school kind of frightens me but i will conquer if they dare give me the chance. If not, i'm moving to Turkey.

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