My exciting life on tuesday consisted of taking my last final exam. whoop! It was short essay kind of deal...i think i did alright. Then i went to go get my hair trimmed. Finally! I'm trying to grow it out and i knew if i went back too soon that i'd be like 'what the heck, just chop it short!' And so i waited.....FIVE months. That, my friends, is a long time. woah. My hair is happier now. Then i went home, cleaned dishes, washed clothes and then my mother called to ask if i had gone to the doctor.
Uhhh whoops? I forgot that i had been coughing up a lung ALL day....! Yes, i went. I have bronchitis. Again. My lungs have had a hard life. So then i headed to the pharmacy to get my drugs. The pharmacist called me over, he's an old family friend, to inform that this one drug might make me a bit shaky. I said ok. He asked how i was, being sick and all. I replied, 'yea it's just bronchitis.' l-o-l.
Then i did work stuffs, went home and watched the sound of music. love. that. movie.
Also, i had my first cup of coffee tonight since sunday. SUNDAY! I figured i didn't need to mega dehydrate myself while being sickly and all. But now my body is like "caffeine!!" Which is probably the reason this is the most is utterly ridiculous post in every regard. Is there a point, you ask? That would be nice, but alas the answer is a resounding no.
Bible study ended. yes, i'm repeating myself, but don't worry, i'm going places. So, it ended and i'm left with the constant hovering question 'what do i teach on next semester??!' And i panic. But only briefly. And then HE is like 'hey, do this!' I rejoiced. HE knows what's good. So, in the process of studying and preparing for next semester i'm reading like nine kajillion books. Deep thinking books at that. It's fun. I am excited. You should be too.
You can blame the caffeine.
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