I tend to walk into walls a lot. It's true. Laugh at me if you will, but i do. If you haven't noticed this it is probably due to the fact that i've learned to play it off or i simply, and literally, role off the wall. The reason for this is i tend to not always look where i'm going. No, not the whole stare at the ground deal, but more like a stare at something to my left or talk to someone on my right while walking. Has this lesson been learned? Sadly it has not. I continue to "flounce" around and bounce off of walls, doorways and cabinets left and right. I have mad skills....or do i? I wonder, is it because i am possibly ADD and so get bored with my direct line of vision or do i just have REALLY bad balance?
Maybe both. I'm leaning more towards bad balance though.
So, puzzle me this...why do we perpetually "flounce" about on this narrow road that we are trying to stay on? Do we see something shiny and lose our focus or trip over our own feet because we weren't paying attention to the road HE's laid in front of us? It is fascinating that our slight shift in focus can make us turn completely away from our original path that we had set out on. What have we seen that we think is better? Whom have we listened to that has competed with HIS whispers? As of yet i haven't found anyone, anything or any place that can compare to HIM and HIS peaceful presence, but my eyes still wander. Not literally, that would be creepy. What does it take for us to realize that HE satisfies and HE completes us? Maybe we will get it if we listen close to those whispers and try to read HIS lips....which suggests we are gazing UP!
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