So, it finally rained today. I think the drought was going on 2+ weeks? Burn ban was in effect. G.C. said we could not light a fire...in our fireplace. Yes, ma'am, i will keep that in mind. Mind you, however, it only rained for about 30 minutes. I'm not sure how well that accounts for the lack of rain the past 2 weeks, but i'm not overly concerned. Rain is good. The plants love it. My car, who was in need of a bath, appreciated it. Rain can be lovely.
As the rain started coming down it reminded me of this wonderful song. It's short and it repeats but it is incredibly sincere and desperate. It goes like this: "Open the floodgates of heaven! Let it rain! Let it rain! (repeat ∞x)"
So then, i wondered, what does that imply? What kind of request are we asking of HIM? Floodgates. HE swoops down, overcomes, overpowers and overthrows the strongest and the weakest. HE covers and leaves HIS mark. If we are asking HIM to release HIS love, HIS power, HIS wisdom, all of HIMSELF to everything that is and around us then we can only expect things to change. We can only expect that HE will answer and wash over it all. Are we singing a lovely and repetitive song or are we genuinely crying out to HIM in desperation because we see the mess we've made of this place and know that HE is better, even if that means that HE brings a flood. We have to be willing to get washed away, otherwise our old and messy selves will remain and begin to stink and rot and crack.
I dislike water, but i take showers. I dislike water, but i swim in the ocean. I dislike water but i drink it. I dislike water but i'm willing to be drowned in a heavenly flood. What about you?
makes me think of this song: