This year has been interesting and challenging to say the least. I have learned both the right and wrong ways to do many certain things, which is probably the best way to learn anything, by experience, but definitely not the most fun way. This has made me not only realize the need but also desire to have an older, wiser, more experienced individual leading us younger ones along. There is a reason that the Bible says "Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained in the way of righteousness," because they have walked more abundant roads, seen more of life and people and have taken paths that led to nowhere sometimes, but this and more is what makes them so incredibly invaluable to you and I. (Proverbs 16.31)
Ask questions, don't be shy to call them up and talk about worries, fears, joys, and hopes, ask them to tell stories, share their experiences both good and bad, and just simply listen and learn. Because the best lessons are never taught in a 50x30 room with a whiteboard, rows of desks, and pen and paper, rather lessons are best taught in everyday, simplistic, enthralling life while conversing with friends and family about it all. I wish life were that simple and freeing.. But then again maybe it can be and we just haven't figured that yet.
I want to know all the answers. For goodness sake, where is life's instruction manual??! Because we all know that learning by experience most always means looking like a fool in some way in front of many someones. It never fails. I also have a guilty and judgmental complex, if that's even a thing, where I wholeheartedly believe that a) everyone hates me for getting it wrong and I have therefore ruined all of their happiness in life because I didn't do it right and will feel bad for it until I die and b) they all think the absolute worst of me and pick me apart piece by piece, deciding what else I am capable of ruining and will do so until I die. Looking like a fool never hurt so good! ha Also, I should probably be kinder on myself and humankind as a whole.
So I guess now that I have learned a thing or two about what to do and not do in recent situations and circumstances, I can add that to my pocket book of knowledgeable things I will be able to teach or share one day with the select few who will probably listen. So please, when I am old and have a head of gray hair remember me fondly and send me some snail mail or call me. Mama Jo knows best, eh. *wink wink* In the mean time I'll gather from the wisdom storehouses of the individuals I meet along this beautiful journey so I can add to them and later pour them out once again on the next generation.