Sometimes school can be dumb. But a lot of the time school can be cool. I guess that would make my relationship with school a love-hate one? Makes sense. I just want to graduate. As a nurse. Is that so much to ask? I didn't think so. Applications are in the process of being filled out and mailed. I know that in this day and age it is respectful and critical that one have a job with a steady income. Totally understandable. Money doesn't grow on trees, etc. BUT SCHOOL?!! Why? Why is it frowned upon if you put off your education or travel amidst the learning for awhile? Why do we feel we must live up to society's expectations and the worlds demands of how we should act, learn, love, behave, or just LIVE? Since when do 'they' get to have a say or thought in what i do.
I want to take a semester off again and travel, go on mission trips, and just explore the world with my own two hands and eyes instead of through someone else's interpretation through a textbook or whatever. Yes, trip[S], as in multiple ones. I want a door to just swing wide and loudly open before me so i can wildly go running through it. Call me crazy, call me dumb, call me ridiculous and naive, i don't care. There are almost SEVEN BILLION people in this world. There are ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIVE countries. There are too many mountains to hike and rivers to ride and roads to explore. I have to go. I have to discover. I want to. I need to.