I'm really not sure why I'm updating my blog right now. Or why I insist on capitalizing my i's, so maybe i won't. But really, i'm at the beach and i'm updating my blog. Go figure. I thought about walking out to the beach tonight after we got in from supper, but i made myself some coffee and read a few bits instead. I've always heard that the beach at night is lovely. Although, the beach during the day, when proper amounts of sunscreen have been applied, is lovely as well. It's kind of hard to escape the beauty when you're outside. The ocean is so huge, the sky is so blue, the sand is hot but it sparkles in the sunlight, and we saw dolphins two days in a row. I personally love the mountains much more than the beach, but i have slowly grown an apprecitaion for the beauty that the beach holds, but perhaps not so much of an appreciation for the relentless beating down of the sun. Hullo, i am made of pale. It really amazes me that people can walk around day after day and take in the amazing glory and beauty and still deny the One who made it all. It's inescapeable. I so badly want to grab the arm of the closest human being and say "look! do you see that? isn't it glorious? have you ever seen such magnificent colors scraped across the sky in such a beautiful display? isn't HE awesome!" But part of me fears that their reply would be something like "yea, uh-huh, it's just another sunset..." Perhaps all i can do is hope that one may get it and realize the depth of HIS goodness and be broken and forever changed. If i could just have that one. Yes, I would like to be contagiously giddy on HIS behalf. That sounds like a fun life to lead.
I should probably stop this blog post here, but i'm not. It's a decent note to end on, however, i want to talk about dolphins. So, the closest i've ever been to a dolphin is watching the movie flipper. Yea, not so close. But that has all changed because Mr B and i went out in the kiyaks yesterday and it just so happened that those lovely crestures were headed our way. Those dolphins are HUGE. We must have come within about five yards of them and it was an absolutely amazing sight. Hurray for adventures!
I have not eaten lobster this week, but i am currently the color of one. We had dinner at Seaside and it was quite windy, but the crab cakes were yummy. My boyfriend shaved his head while i was away...i have no further comment on that at this time. I'll get use to it i'm sure. I have many pet peeves, one of which is cabinet doors that are left wide open... please excuse me while i go shut it...