Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Hullo. I have made it to Colorado and my ywam base in the mountains. It is beautiful and walking out my front door this morning and seeing the mountains like literally in my front yard was kind of surreal. Love it. The people here are also so wonderful. It set all of my worries, fears, and hesitations aside.
So, this is a short update because we just got done with a really long day and I'm about to go play settlers of catan. SETTLERS OF CATAN! With girls. Yeah, I totally picked the best dts school. <3
But here are a few pictures from our road trip to hold you over until I upload them over to Google+.
Miss you all!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I leave bright and early tomorrow morning. . . as in by 5am. The sun won't even be awake by then, which is a miracle. You should right this down in your diary of many secrets and wonders so that one day you may tell your kids and grandkids that Josie K. was up and awake with coffee in hand before the sun ever showed his face. ;) So, I'm driving out with my friend Anna and we're taking four days to drive out to the beautiful Colorado. I am so excited about this road trip! The second night we're staying in this cool place in New Mexico, which I can't say here because I'm keeping it as a surprise for Anna. muhaha. But it looks fabulous and makes me happy.

Our itinerary, if you care to know, is as follows:
Thursday -- leave Starkville, MS around 5am and drive West. Most likely reach Little Rock, AR by lunch and Apache, OK by 6pm. Apache, OK is our destination for the first day, we're staying at a ywam base's hospitality suit for the night.
Friday -- leave Apache by 8am and continue driving West. By this point we will have traveled through MS, AR, OK, and be heading into TX. We're planning to stop at every State sign and take a picture. It's going to be awesome. Ok, continue driving and eventually reach NM where we will spend the night in unsaid location.
Saturday -- leave by 8 or 9am and head North where we will travel through Starkville, CO....completely awesome. Pictures will be taken. Take slight detour to the Great Sand Dunes, which are reported to be really cool. Drive to Colorado Springs and bunk for the night.
Sunday -- Tour around Colorado Springs and just chill and hang out for the day. Hopefully go see the Garden of the Gods which are also reported to be really pretty. Sunday is up for change and fun.
Monday -- drive to Denver and send Anna back home on le airplane to MS. Most likely cry some more. Drive by myself to Arvada, CO where I will know no one and be spending the next 5 months of my life. Eeegads.

I'm freaking out just a little bit, but i'm mostly just getting ridiculously emotional. I was watching what not to wear and started tearing up. I mean...c'mon! These next two weeks are going to be long, weird, exciting, good, scary, and thrilling I do believe. I know I'm going to miss my family and friends immensely. But I also know God is loving and I know that He is good and I know that He has called me to this place at this time and that He will never leave me. And for all of those truths, I am extremely grateful.
So, here's to life more abundant and love without end. . . .to God and God alone be the glory! Psalm 115:1


Monday, September 19, 2011


GOD IS SO GOOD. I am blessed and amazed beyond words and just completely in awe of HIS beauty and love poured out. The day is new, HIS mercies are new, HIS love is fresh and alive. Hallelujah!

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'm A Big Girl Now

drove to H-burg with Gracie
-schools are dumb sometimes
-met her awesome friend.... who i swear is the black version of me
-lovely talks on the drive
supper with the fam
movie watching with J.L.
-Cary Grant is still slick at sixty

slept late
did some more packing
-which seems useless because i just end up wanting to wear what i've just packed
-also, dad put a t-rex in my suitcase. lol
eye doctor visit
-i'm far-sighted
-but just barely, so no worries.
stopped by my previous home which we will now call "G.C.'s place"
-chocolate cake...!

rise and shine before 7am
drove to campus to get shots
-let it be known that the MSU campus is one of like 4 clinics in the whole state that carry the typhoid vaccine.
-which is weird
-got three vaccines and 90 malaria pills
went to my favorite spot in town, city bagel, to get coffee and brunch
-eating alone is fabulous sometimes
-wrote ty notes and read books
supper with the parents
prayer night at P&D's
-last one for many moons
late night grocery shopping
also late night cooking

packed picnic lunch
picked up Gracie's birthday present
-it was ready just in time
-also, my bargaining skills are insane
took Gracie to the refuge
-we picnicked, we trail walked, we deer and bird watched
-we also drove
-and we got lost....ending up in a town 35 minutes from original location
-positive side of getting lost = poppy seed bread from the local bakery
library visits and chats
-they are generally fun and often amusing
Life class at P&D's
-also the last one for many moons

helped a friend pack up her house with mother dearest
-nice chats
spectacle shopping
-i got glasses, i got glasses, i got glasses hey hey hey hey!
-they're purple....again. don't judge me
grocery shopped with mother dearest
-felt like i was 12yro again on a saturday
cleaned house for farewell dinner tomorrow evening
-i have 6 days left

I think i'm so lost and confused as to what emotion i should be feeling that i have depleted my emotion department of reasoning skills. If that sentence made a lick of sense to you i will give you a star. God has been doing so much in me in the past three months, and even more so in the past three weeks because I know HE's preparing me for something and that it'll be grand, it's just the molding and waiting period that is so difficult. These past few weeks have been bitter-sweet as I am beginning to realize how much I love and will miss everyone. It's usually, and most recently, been the other way around where people depart from me, which is making this "move" weird and slightly hard since I'm doing the leaving. Is it this hard for extroverts?

Anyway, the weather here has been MARVELOUS the past day or so. It feels crisp and cheery, just like September should feel. Also, did you know a crisp in Scotland is a potato chip? Because chips in Scotland are actually french fries. Random fact of the day! I'm hungry now with all this talk of food. . . .eckhmm. Yea. The anemic child has got to eat!


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Three P's

I'm unconsciously freaking myself out, I do believe. I have sixteen days until I depart on my glorious road trip to Denver with Smitty, which leaves me what feels like no time to do all the things on my list. Granted, my list is most likely bigger and more horrifying in my head than in writing, but it still causes slight anxiety in a girl.
1) Get eyes examined and new glasses (i think i'm nearsighted :-o )
2) Send in medical paperwork to get shots
3) Get three shots (yuck)
4) Move back home
5) Figure out packing woes
6) Change over electric and gas bills
7) Send off change of address form
8) Write many much thank you notes
9) Go on a bike ride with Gracie
10) Relax....yes, please? lol

Nothing to panic over...honest. It's nice to know that even though I have all of these things to "do," I don't have to worry. I'd like to worry because it somehow seems to make things more serious and important, but that's really just an illusion. God said not to worry, for a reason, which is often easier said than done... am I right? *sigh
But seriously, all of this is becoming more and more real, especially now that my countdown is in the teens, which is both exciting and nerve-racking. I guess taking leaps of faith will always feel something like this? I'm not sure, but do keep me in mind as I spend the next few weeks panicking, packing, and praying.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

1 Out Of 196

I'm so excited about my outreach destination come December! HE told me back in July which country, but now that it's reality and so closely tangible it's cool. . .and slightly weirding me out. I think I'm on a "this is too incredible to be real" cloud and that maybe I'll come down off of it at some point. Although, part of me doesn't mind being up here -- the view is quite nice and all.
So, because I am slightly ridiculous, here's a sneak peek of some nature from the fabulous country that'll I will be going to for outreach:
Booby Birds
The Huandoy Mt.
Cebu Cattle (see also veggie tales)
and The Amazon River & Rainforest
I'm going to Peru!!! Woohoo! I am really excited! It's going to be completely crazy and completely awesome and I almost can't wait. I don't know exactly where I'll be staying during the duration of my missionary travels, but I will inform you when that gets decided and announced when I get to Denver. My mother also so kindly informed/reminded me that anacondas also live in Peru. . .thanks mother dearest. Horror of horrors. I was doing some slight research since I don't really know where I'll be yet, but still, I found out that not only do that eat guinea pigs, which apparently everyone but I already knew, they also eat llamas. And they also make yarn out of Alpaca wool. I may have to get some of that for my cousin while I'm there. So now you know and can share in my excitement! Yay!

Yesterday I went to the lake in AL with G.C. and my brother and sister-in-law and had a most excellent time. We did some jumping off the dock and tubing behind the boat and sitting and chatting. The weather was really nice for it too. . .I'm pale, so the lack of sunshine and abundance of clouds was awesome in my opinion. I hate getting sunburned. We stayed in T-town and shopped and ate the foodsen for supper before G.C. and I headed home. Big Brother gives directions, Josie memorizes directions, G.C. drives. Somehow we get lost. We pull over on Shiver De Freeze Rd. (i kid you not!) to call Big Brother for rescue. After finally figuring out where the heck we were we find some county roads to take which will get us back to the main highway. . .eventually. It made for an interesting evening/drive which is always fun.

Currently listening to The National station on pandora which has been quite soothing on this rainy day. I'm wearing a sweatshirt and my toes have been freezing all morning. K.M. warmed my hands in church today and they have been toasty ever since! <3 I think I'm going to read some in Anne of Avonlea. . .i had to put it down during a potential crisis and I need to know what happens!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

"The Best Kind Of Prize Is A Sur-prize!"

The outreach locations have been set for my DTS.
Two options.
God knew the answer a month before the big reveal.
Basically, I know where I'm going on my outreach.
But it's more exciting told in person, so the blogger world will have to wait.
Also, I still need to tell my parents.
Yea. <3
