Thursday, June 14, 2012

Journeying On. . .

The school of ministry development that I'm in ends in a week, three months goes by faster than one would first assume. This school and season of life that I am in has been really amazing and refreshing as God has revealed who He is to me, who I am in Him, and what's next in this great adventure.

Recently, as in the past 3-4 weeks, God has been stirring up a raging passion and desire to go back home to Mississippi and bring His kingdom way of living to the lost, hurt, broken, and confused to the people there. Being outside of my hometown bubble has allowed me to see the need, listen to God's heart on the matter, and given me a desire to want to go back and serve, love, and invest in the people there. One day recently during a morning quiet time God brought to mind the story of Esther and how God placed her in such a position that she was able and willing to rescue and save her people from destruction. If Esther didn't do it God would use someone else but He had placed her in that specific position for such a time as this; to rescue and redeem her people, to fulfill the anointing and call on her life. I am choosing to step into this next phase, this next sphere, not knowing what will evolve from it or because of it but I just know that I am supposed to go. Jesus is doing radical things everywhere and I could jump on a plane and fly anywhere in the world to do ministry but if I am not in God's will I won't be accomplishing anything for Him. So I am laying down my want and desire to go to a million and one countries or cities all over the world because I strongly desire to walk in the will of God and I have a strong desire to see my city and state come to a holy, radical revelation of the Father. I can't miss out on that.

God has used this season of Phase 2 to greatly equip me in so many forms and facets for which I am extremely grateful, especially now that I have a glimpse of how all of this preparation and teaching will come in handy within the coming months and years. God is so faithful and kind in all that He does. I am so grateful that His timing is perfect, that He knows best and desire the absolute best for us! Praise the Lord. I am more than sad and heartbroken to be having to leave YWAM Denver, my time and experience here has been marvelous and the people here have impacted and challenged me in so many ways. However, I know God has used this place and the beautiful people here to mold and shape me, to prepare and encourage me to be able to continue to step out on limbs for God even when I'm petrified. I am in love with this incredible God who deserves all the praise, glory, and honor for all that He has done and continues to do; He is perfect.
Keep me in your prayers as I go back home and step out in could be rough but I know it will be good.

~Josie K. Lewis

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you, wherever you go.  -- Joshua 1:9

Photo Splurge...
Class Time With These Beauties 
Kingdom Nights
Sunshine Days In Denver